Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Video..... again!

So, good 'ol YouTube blocked our adoption video-- Anyway, we uploaded it to Blogger. I didn't really need to put it in a post, but wasn't sure how else to do it since I wanted a link to the video on my sidebar. :) So... here it is again. :)


Amy said...

Ahh You are smart!!! I didn't think to do that!! I went in and started editing it and LOST the song again. I know I could get the song back, but I had it edited just perfect. boo. hiss. boo.

I still have a goal to re do our video with a new song. Maybe tomorrow--- er, today. its really late/early for me.

Michael said...

Why did you have to go and show that again....I am in tears and REALLY want to go back to Ethiopia now:) I love the video!!!!!! I love adoption! I LOVE HH!!! I LOVE Almaz!!! I LOVE Ethiopia!!!
Thanks!!! My heart is full of LOVE today!


A.H. said...

I love your video. We were just approved today with AGCI and hope to have a journey like yours very soon!


Amber Weiseth said...

What a wonderful video! Suzi, thanks for sharing it. I cannot wait to hear more about your adventure.

Rebecca said...

sooo sweet. I hadn't seen the video before, so it was fun to see it this time around!

Now, I feel like I need to work on a video for Eli...

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time to stop in and leave a comment. Your video is just fabulous! What an adorable family you have.

Erin Sager said...

I love your video, so sweet...

Jana said...

What an awesome video!!! Thanks for sharing.


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