Sunday, April 19, 2009

Can it get any better than this??

What is it about the beach? All stress seems to melt away at the mere sight of a vast, open span of beach! More time is spent praying, talking, sharing, laughing, and playing when I'm at the beach. The kids PLAY non-stop... there's no time to be "bored" or to bug each other. There's too many adventures to be had, beach dogs to throw the ball for, drift wood forts to be made, kites to be flown, marshmallows to be roasted, and lots of crabs to find under the rocks! There's no need for T.V., video games, cell phones, computers........

It was a PERFECT weekend!

launching rockets!

Jake yelled, "raise your hand if you want s'mores!!"

after a hot-dog roasting dinner
sometimes baby and kitty need to come on the walk


Michael and Michelle said...

Love it!!! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Your kiddos are just precious:)


Aubrey said...

It looks like you had so much fun! How relaxing!

wholesome mum said...

Nice! Where were on the island? looks like a great place!

Amy said...

a little jealous here.. looks like a lot of family fun!

I love that baby Coco! I need to get one for Olive.

emily said...

So much fun!

Thank you for your continuous encouragement. I appreciate it greatly. :)


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